Thursday, November 6, 2008

it's crazy!!!!

"run, baby run!!

don't ever look back!!!"

that is why I'm doing right now..

I don't know what to do..

just waiting for my PSPM result..

it totally difficult!!!

it's hard to be describe!!!

It's killing me!!!

It's make me starving!!!


Friday, October 3, 2008

final countdown!!!

the very most unforgettable event of the year!!!


I'm going to faced my final exam!!!

15 days to go!!!!!!


Friday, September 26, 2008


coming soon....
the most unforgettable event will be happen....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last year, I attend an interview. The interview is one of compulsory for my graduation. So, I have to choose my future career and pretending just like I was in a real interview for that job. I choose to be a graphic designer due to my passion. I’m so eager and truly want to be a graphic designer because I think it will give me a lot of satisfaction. Besides, I like art and I think it is one of best way to expend my talent… (^_^)…maybe… However, I’m not thinking about my future at all… I’m not saying the graphic design is not a god job but it just based on my opinion… It really a wonderful job actually!!!

Then, I make a new decision based on my examination result. The result made me to think twice. Not because of the result actually, but I it always related to each other. The scope of job as a graphic designer or the passion as a graphic designer…enjoy, glamor and not as stress as if I’m a doctor… maybe…

But, my mom said… the scope of job is the most important at this time. Not my passion… So, I have to change it for my own future and my beloved mummy… (^_^)..

At that time, I realized that it just not about our passion but we have to think the scope of job too. For a better chance in future!!!! Then, everything will be fine… InsyaAllah…

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is English a vital suject or is it just a supplementary subject????

The most important things before involving into the World technology are by mastering the International Language.


Communication skill is the most important thing. Without a good communication skill, people will be scolded from a community. In order to prevent it, people should improve their aptitude of communication. By making English as a vital subject, I trust the problem that stopped Malaysians from involving the International communication can be deleted.

I always surfing the Internet and involving to a discussion site such as “yahoo answer” and others. That such of things are related to English as we are communicating with different person of different region in the World. So, if English the vital subject, the problem will be solved!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Ministry of Education (MOE) in Malaysia has stated to do “Science and Math study in English”
Even it’s already about 6 years be done but still have objections from different side. As a science student, I believe this is one of effective way to improve the English skill amongst Malaysians. However, some Malaysians didn’t support it.
Learning in English doesn’t meaning forgetting the “MOTHER TONGUE”. Why don’t if we trying to think out of box and take Malaysia in the eyes of the World by learning the lingua franca??? Does it will corrupt Independent of Malaysia??? Try to think it and leave some comment for me…(^_^)…

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This will be going my…
maybe the zillion steps to improve my English..
Think so…

11th September 1008_11 Ramadhan